Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Exercise For Young People

If you're under 18 years old, then you should try to do a total of 60 minutes of a physical activity every day at least1 hour daily. You don't have to do it all in one go, but in the chunks of at least 10-15 minutes throughout the day. This can be includes as a everything from pumping iron in the gym to walking up stairs instead of taking the lift. The key is one of thing is that the activity should increase your heart rate and make you feel up a warmer. If you're over 18, aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise at least five days a week.
A good idea is to try out a whole range of the good physical activities to see which ones you enjoy the most. Once you've decided to do the sorts of exercise you enjoy, you can plan what type of exercise you're going to do and when. If you've decided to start an exercise routine, it's important to go and see your doctor for an examination. Your doctor will be able to let you know how much exercise you should be doing to begin with. 

Young people are a distinct group with specific exercise needs, yet there are a number of misconceptions and limited guidance on the subject. It converts theory into practice, ideas into reality and principles into action, and will be a valuable resource for students and practitioners alike.
Whatever it is you do, you may get many benefits from it, including:
  • Improving your strength, fitness, and confidence which helps you to achieve what you want in life.
  • Having more energy.
  • Increasing your flexibility and mobility.
  • Helping you enjoy your body for what it can do, not just what it looks like.
  • Helping you to manage stress.
Thanks Of  @ BellsPharmacy  @

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